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Author: Romain Couture

CIRCULÉIRE-funded CE Skillset to kick off in September 2021

“Circular Economy Skillset” is a project funded by CIRCULÉIRE’s 2020 Innovation Fund, led by WEEE Ireland and with project partners Fastrack into Information Technology (FIT) and the White Goods Association. It aims to train a new generation of technicians that will greatly be needed in the transition towards the circular…
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CIRCULÉIRE 2021 Innovation Fund winners have been announced!

We are delighted to announce that three consortia were awarded conditional funding from our 2021 Innovation Fund Call! The first consortium is called “Circular Economy & The Power of Many” and is led by CIRCULÉIRE Founding Member Freefoam Plastics Limited in collaboration with supply-chain partners Glenveagh Properties PLC, Mulligan Guttering and The Shabra Group .…
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CIRCULEIRE’s New Venture Innovation & Mentoring Program is now open! DEADLINE EXTENDED

MARCH 2022 UPDATE: This article referred to the 2021 call and dates from July 2021, therefore it is now closed. For updated information, please check the post 2022 CIRCULÉIRE New Venture Innovation & Mentoring Program. CIRCULÉIRE is looking assist circular economy start-ups and businesses that are revenue generating and scaling…
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Thanks to our members for their inputs to CIRCULÉIRE’s submission to DECC’s Public Consultation

We would like to extend a warm thank you to all our members who have provided us feedback regarding the national circular economy strategy consultation led by DECC. This is very important for us to rely on our members’ feelings vis-a-vis current legislations and how they could be improved. The…
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Listen Back: CIRCULÉIRE’s member “The ZeroNet” profiled on RTE Drivetime

CIRCULÉIRE’s Dr Geraldine Brennan was invited onto RTE’s Drivetime to talk about the business case for a circular economy, reverse logistics and buy-back schemes in light of IKEA’s launch of their buy-back scheme in Ireland on the 30th June 2021. CIRCULÉIRE’s new venture “The ZeroNet” came up in the conversation…
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CIRCULÉIRE Member Novelplast to be awarded funding for PerPETual Project.

CIRCULÉIRE would like to extend a huge congrats to one of our industry member, Novelplast Teoranta, on successfully being awarded a €1.89M DTIF grant for the #PerPETual Recycling project. This project will develop a novel energy efficient chemical recycling technology capable of infinitely recycling all types of PET including multilayer food trays, polyester clothing, carpets…
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