101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach

Author: Edurne Miravete

Science Week 2022: Congratulations to St. Oliver’s Plunkett BNS

Primary School from County Westmeath will visit IMR’s Lab in Mullingar and learn about Circular Economy Check the raffle recording: Congratulations to St. Oliver’s Plunkett BNS for winning the competition. Next week we will welcome Sinead White’s class into #IMRScienceWeek2022. The 5th-class students will learn about the circular economy and interact with cutting-edge…
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CALL OPEN: Circular Economy Innovation Grant Scheme (CEIGS) 2022

Full details on the application are available on gov.ie and applications are open until 16/Dec/2022 Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, with responsibility for the Circular Economy and Communications, Ossian Smyth TD, announced on 26th of October 2022 a call for applications for the…
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(UPDATE)Science Week 2022: Introduction to the Circular Economy

Primary Schools from County Westmeath can win a visit to IMR’s Lab in Mullingar and learn about Circular Economy. Entries must be submitted by 7/Nov 5th-class teachers and students based in County Westmeath: Apply here Update: As a Halloween gift, we decided to extend the deadline and facilitate the process!…
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Available now: Circular Fashion & Textiles Good Practice Sectoral Guide

Check our second report aimed at supporting industry players in high-impact Irish sectors to transition to a circular economy Check here the full report See the executive summary Read Sectoral Guide #1 Construction & Built Environment here CIRCULÉIRE has made the Fashion and Textiles Good Practice Sectoral Guide publicly available.…
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2022 CIRCULÉIRE Virtual Conference: Demonstrating Irish Circular Economy Innovation

Join us on 23/Nov to learn about the cross-sectoral Innovation Pilots funded by CIRCULÉIRE. Register now using the link below! Register for our conference here Check here the final agenda We are delighted to announce that Minister Ossian Smyth, Minister of State with responsibility for Communications and the Circular Economy…
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Join us for CIRCULÉIRE Public Webinar on Financing Ireland’s Circular Economy

Register & join us on Fri, 7th Oct., at 11 am, via Zoom Click here to register Transitioning to a circular economy requires a significant increase in circular finance and funding instruments to support the development and scaling of circular economy pilots, business models and infrastructure. Yet both industry and…
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