101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach


Latest Events

Below is a list of upcoming circular economy events

[Webinar/Workshop] Putting Science into Standards: Circular technologies in construction

CEN and CENELEC, together with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), carry out an annual foresight on standardization initiative named Putting Science into Standards (PSIS). The 2023 PSIS workshop will focus on Circular technologies for construction. The construction sector is one of the priority areas addressed by the Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Green Deal. The…
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[Conference] Irish Waste Management Association Conference

The IWMA Conference 2024 will be focusing on the Circular Economy and the constant changes and updates in this area for members of the IWMA. Dr Geraldine Brennan will be delivering the keynote at this conference and will be discussing the role of circular design, smart take-back & secondary raw…
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[Conference] World Circular Economy Forum

The world’s leading event for Circular Economy thinkers is coming to Brussels on the 15th – 18th of April 2024. The programme is broken down into three key events:

[#EUCircularTalks] How to advance the circular behaviours that really matter

Changes in consumption behaviours and dominant lifestyles are increasingly recognised among the critical levers for the transition to a circular economy, as the success of new circular business models and policy measures largely depends on social engagement.Most studies and strategies on the circular economy are written from the production and…
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