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2022 Call for Proposals I: Expert Facilitator to deliver CIRCULÉIRE’s Thematic Working Group (TWG)

We are looking for specialists in End of Waste, By-Products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders

  1. Deadline for applying is 27th April 2022

  2. Click here for the scope of work and expected outputs

  3. Download the Excel Application Form

Do you have a deep understanding of the Irish waste management and circular economy policy landscape, and a proven track record providing technical expertise to industry with successful End-of-Waste and By-Product applications and waste licensing compliance? Do you have demonstrated experience facilitating groups and successfully leading co-design and ideation workshops or events? If so, CIRCULÉIRE wants to hear from you.

CIRCULÉIRE is requesting applications from suitably qualified ‘Expert Facilitators’ to lead its forthcoming Thematic Working Group on ‘End of Waste, By-products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders’.

Thematic Working Group (TWG) Process and Aims

Each year for the duration of the programme, CIRCULÉIRE’s industry members vote on topics that they deem strategically important to enabling – or preventing - their transition to a circular economy. In 2022, End of Waste, By-Products and Waste Licensing was selected as the top priority topic for the network to run a Thematic Working Group.

End-of-waste and by-product notifications are recognised as playing a key role in a circular economy. They do this by helping to establish a market for a wide range of secondary raw materials, improving resource management, encouraging symbiotic industrial practices, and preventing resources from being sent for disposal. By maintaining resource value within the economy, the successful application of end-of-waste and by-product status reduces the environmental impacts arising from waste disposal. Nevertheless, end-of-waste and by-product regulations are often poorly understood by certain sectors of Irish industry, which amongst other challenges, can result in poor engagement or unsuccessful applications.

The aims of this TWG are thus as follows:

  1. Increase CIRCULÉIRE’s Industry Members’ knowledge and understanding of the EoW and By-products regulatory regime (particularly within the context of responsible innovation and circular economy);

  2. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders within the wider regulatory regime, such as local authorities, the EPA, DAFM etc.;

  3. Co-produce high-quality thought leadership with input from the panel members and CIRCULÉIRE’s Industry Members aimed at advancing the Irish industry’s circular transition (proposing practical, actionable recommendations as appropriate);

  4. To design and deliver 2x Ideation Workshops where the working group identify a minimum of 5-10 innovations (both at industry-specific product and policy levels) that support a circular economy. Product innovations should be based on the nationally important waste or by-products clusters identified in advance by the Expert Facilitator and should demonstrate potential to reduce GHG and waste if diverted from disposal.

For more details about the scope of work and expected outputs, please read this background document. Applicants must send this completed Excel Application Form to by Wednesday, 27th of April (using the subject heading ‘Expert Facilitator application - ‘End of Waste, By-Products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders’).

2022 TWGs Indicative Dates

Kicking off in late May 2022, this Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) will run until September (Q3-4), 2022 for a period of approximately 12- 16 weeks.

All compliant tenders (please complete and submit accompanying Excel Application to aide evaluation) will be assessed against relevant knowledge and experience, and proposed approach to delivering the activities. This work has a maximum allowable budget of €20,000.00 ex. VAT.

Indicative timeline for the Call for Proposal:

  1. Open questions from submitting parties closed 20th of April - find IMR's compiled Q&A document here

  2. Deadline for RFP submission to Wednesday, 27th of April (with completed Excel Sheet using subject heading ‘Expert Facilitator application - ‘End of Waste, By-products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders’)

  3. Interviews with shortlisted applicants: W/C 2nd May

  4. Communication of winning proposal(s): W/C 9th May

  5. Kick-Off Meeting with to Agree Timeline: W/C 16th May

  6. TWG commences: W/C 30th May

IMR Contact Person: Sophie Reynolds, Circular Economy Technologist (


CIRCULÉIRE is a public-private partnership co-created by Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR) and three strategic partners: the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and EIT Climate-KIC. Together with industry partners, CIRCULÉIRE aims to assist manufacturers and their supply chains to switch from linear to circular business models.

Read more about CIRCULÉIRE here.

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