101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach


Latest Events

Below is a list of upcoming circular economy events

[Conference] European Recycling Conference 2023

The European Recycling Conference 2023 will take place on 28 September in Brussels. This year, EURIC is teaming up with DENUO, the Belgian waste management and recycling federation, to shine a spotlight on car recycling. Why? The automotive industry is going through a major revolution. By 2035 - practically tomorrow in terms…
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#EUCircularTalks – Circular Procurement: Catalyst for Biodiversity and Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Climate change are interconnected issues, with ecosystems and biodiversity playing a crucial role in regulating our climate. Circular procurement can contribute to mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity by minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting natural habitats. The ECESP Leadership Group on Circular procurement & the Leadership Group on Biodiversity and Climate invite you…
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Circular Week 2023

Circular Week is an international series of events and initiatives on the topics of the circular economy and sustainability, taking place across Europe. The main aims of the initiative are: Circular Week will culminate in Mazovia Circular Congress, an international conference in Warsaw, Poland on 25 October 2023. Each day of Circular…
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[Conference] CCRI General Conference “From vision to reality: Cities and regions drive forward Europe’s circular transition”

Hosted by the European Commission on 8 November in Brussels and online, the first Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) General Conference From vision to reality: Cities and regions drive forward Europe's circular transition will provide a forum for all circular economy stakeholders to come together to discuss circular solutions at local and regional level. The…
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