101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach


Latest Events

Below is a list of upcoming circular economy events

Webinar: Normative: Reach net zero by engaging your value chain

This webinar run by Normative.io will bring together climate change and carbon reduction experts who will explain why and how to engage value chains, and focus on offering practical solutions and actionable advice. The session will also include the launch of a new report on the best strategies for businesses…
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FRUSH (Hybrid) Conference: Innovating the Circular Economy

This Finish event intends to open up new perspectives on the circular economy and sustainable business. The theme is responsibility. Top speakers include Arman Alizad, Pekka Ketola, Aura Salla and Tessa Clark. Admission to the event is free. A link to the virtual event can be found closer to the…
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CIRCULÉIRE Innovation Demonstration Dissemination Webinar (LLLB)

Updated on 11th April 2022: The webinar will be held on a new date and time. Now it is scheduled for 28th April 2022, from 11 to 12 pm. CIRCULÉIRE is proud to present a public webinar about the Lithium Long Life Battery (LLLB) project, one of the circular economy…
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