101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach


Latest Events

Below is a list of upcoming circular economy events

University of Limerick: AStruM 2022 – Towards a Circular Economy (In Person Event)

Bernal Institute is delighted to welcome Ossian Smyth TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement, eGovernment and Circular Economy at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform who will deliver the keynote address at AStruM 2022. Introduction by Professor Luuk van der Wielen, Director, Bernal Institute, welcome by…
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Webinar: Reconnecting East Anglia – Circular Economy

This event comes to life and is hosted by The Sustainability Centre from the Eastern Colleges Group, West Suffolk College and part-funded by ESF. This is a part of a wider series, Reconnecting East Anglia. Join the webinar to hear three guests sharing their business cases and knowledge on the…
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Webinar: Normative: Reach net zero by engaging your value chain

This webinar run by Normative.io will bring together climate change and carbon reduction experts who will explain why and how to engage value chains, and focus on offering practical solutions and actionable advice. The session will also include the launch of a new report on the best strategies for businesses…
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