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2022 Thematic Working Groups Final Outputs

Leanne Conroy

Check out the key results from CIRCULÉIRE’s working groups on ‘End-of-Waste, By-Products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders’ & ‘Financing the Circular Economy’

End-of-Waste, By-Products and Waste Licensing Pathfinders TWG

Hosted by CIRCULÉIRE on 14th September 2022, this webinar presented the key results and innovation opportunities identified by CIRCULÉIRE’s End of Waste, By-Products & Waste Licensing Pathfinders Thematic Working Group.

Expert Facilitators, Re-Mine Limited, presented the main findings of the working group including:

  1. The state of play of Ireland’s end of waste and by-product policy context, and the role that this plays in driving Ireland towards circularity;

  2. What key lessons industry can apply when looking to prepare strong end-of-waste and/or by-product applications;

  3. Major barriers to circularising Ireland’s economy using these specific tools, and the recommendations identified on what’s needed to overcome them;

  4. Recommendations identified by CIRCULÉIRE’s cross-sectoral Thematic Working Group Panel Members about how Ireland’s end of waste and by-product regimes might be optimised for a circular economy.

Other outputs:

Financing the Circular Economy TWG

Hosted by CIRCULÉIRE on 7th October 2022, this webinar presented the key results and innovation opportunities identified by CIRCULÉIRE’s Financing Ireland's Circular Economy Thematic Working Group. Expert Facilitators, Liz Gavin (Digital Village), and Kate Van Der Merwe presented the working group's main findings, including:

  1. The state of play of Ireland’s circular finance and funding landscape, and the role finance can play in driving Ireland’s shift to circularity;

  2. Major barriers to financing Ireland’s circular economy and recommendations identified to overcome them;

  3. Innovation opportunities identified by CIRCULÉIRE’s cross-sectoral Thematic Working Group Panel Members about how Ireland’s funding and finance landscape might be optimised for a circular economy.

Other outputs:


CIRCULÉIRE is a public-private partnership co-created by Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR) and three strategic partners: the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and EIT Climate-KIC. Together with industry partners, CIRCULÉIRE aims to assist manufacturers and their supply chains to switch from linear to circular business models.

Read more about CIRCULÉIRE here.


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