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European Circular Economy Policy

The EU Green Deal is Europe’s roadmap for making the EU’s economy sustainable – tackling climate and environmental-related challenges through a new growth strategy. It outlines the European Commissions’ commitment to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The Green Deal defines key actions, investments, and support mechanisms to support people, businesses, and regions transition to a circular economy, restoring biodiversity and cutting pollution.

The EU’s Industrial Strategy seeks to transform industry making Europe’s businesses future-fit by becoming greener, more circular (the Green Transition) and more digital (the Digital Transition) while remaining globally competitive. It emphasises the importance of leveraging the impact of the EU Single Market to drive innovation and set global standards and outlines a new SME Strategy to encourage innovation, cut red tape and provide better access to finance.

The EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2.0) is part of the European Green Deal. It outlines a range of measures to enable sustainable products to become the EU norm starting with the following key value chains: Electronics and ICT; Batteries and Vehicles; Packaging; Plastics; Textiles; Construction, Food, Water and Nutrients. The CEAP 2.0 in conjunction with other policy frameworks aims to ensure a joined-up approach to circularity in Europe.

The EU Waste Framework Directive was adopted in 2008 to regulate and reduce the quantity of waste being produced in Europe. It has undergone several amendments, the latest in 2018. It defined the waste management hierarchy; explains when waste becomes a secondary raw material; encourages the reuse of products and design of products with recycled content and outlines targets for the recycling of key materials. In 2023, the EU Commission proposed a targeted amendment of the Directive, with a focus on textiles and food waste. The proposal aims to bring a more circular and sustainable management of textile waste as well as introducing EPR schemes for textiles in all EU Member States. In June 2024 the Council adopted its general approach on the Revision proposed which allows the new EU presidency to continue the process for the final text under the new legislative cycle.

The Farm to Fork Strategy is a key part of the European Green Deal and outlines how food production systems in Europe can be reshaped to ensure healthy, environmentally- friendly and fair food for all citizens. It seeks to deploy circularity in bio-based value chains, and focuses on carbon intensity, protection of soil, air, water, and reversing biodiversity loss. The strategy also seeks to ensure that fair economic returns for producers and affordable prices for end-customers.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force on the 5th of January 2023. It modernizes and strengthens the non-financial reporting rules concerning social and environmental information companies must report. It also broadens the set of companies that must report  to include listed SMEs and non-EU companies that generate over 150 million EUR on the EU market. Companies subject to CSRD will have to report according to the ESRS standards, and the first companies will have to apply the new rules when reporting in 2025.

The new Ecodesign for Sustainable Regulation (ESPR) entered into force on the 18th of July 2024. It builds on the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) and aims to promote more environmentally sustainable and circular products. The ESPR establishes a framework to set eco-design requirements for specific product groups to improve their circularity, energy performance, and other environmental sustainability aspects. The ESPR also introduces the Digital Product Passport (DPP) (art.9), a tool to provide comprehensive digital information about a product’s sustainability throughout its entire lifecycle.

The Right to Repair Directive adopted by the European Council on the 30th of May of 2024 aims to ensure that consumers are able to seek repair instead of replacement when a product is broken or defective. Some of its main elements are: incentives for producers to prolong life cycles of products, a right for consumers to request that manufacturers repair products that are technically repairable under EU law, a free-of-charge EU repair information form, and online repair platform to connect consumers with repairs and the extension by 12 months of the seller’s liability period after the repair of a product.


National Circular Economy Policy

Ireland’s first Climate Action Plan was published in 2019, to address the impacts of climate disruption. It includes a chapter on Waste and the Circular Economy. This is the first time an Irish policy recognized the need to adopt circular economy principles and mandated the development of a Circular Economy Policy and Action Plan for Ireland, inspired by the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan.

The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act turn climate commitment into a law and set out a specific target for Ireland of net-zero emissions no later than 2050 and to a 51% reduction in emissions by 2030, doubling the ambition of the 2019 Action Plan. The Climate Action Plan 2021 set out a detailed sectoral roadmap to achieve Ireland’s net-zero targets. This Plan is revised and updated yearly.

The Waste Action Plan for Circular Economy is Ireland's strategic waste planning and management roadmap. This plan aims to move away from a waste disposal focus and promote a circular economy, preserving resources for longer. The plan outlines the sector's role in achieving the CAP 2019 and includes measures and targets for various waste areas. Additionally, the plan promises to publish a Whole-Government Circular Economy Strategy

The Whole Government Circular Economy Strategy published in December 2021 is Ireland's first national strategy which establishes a policy framework to guide the transition towards a circular economy in all sectors and encourages public sector leadership in embracing circularity. In the strategy, the concept of a circular economy is explained, along with the reasons why Ireland must achieve it, and how national policy will be developed to support this objective. The next Whole of Government CE Strategy is anticipated to undergo public consultation and go before government before the end of 2024.

The Circular Economy Act 2022 is a landmark legislation in Ireland that defines the Circular Economy for the first time in Irish domestic law. It establishes comprehensive regulations and economic measures to help Ireland transition into circularity. The Act places the Circular Economy Strategy on a statutory footing, making the ongoing development of circular economy policy a legal requirement of the Government. It also re-designates the existing Environment Fund as a Circular Economy Fund to support environmental and circular economy projects.

The National Food Waste Prevention Roadmap sets out actions to achieve a reduction of 50% in Ireland's food waste by 2030. The development of this roadmap was one of the commitments in Ireland's Waste Action Plan for Circular Economy (2020). The Food Waste Prevention Roadmap sets out priority actions to focus on food waste prevention across key sectors in the food supply chain. It also looks at the role of the public sector in tackling food waste by improving procurement practices.

In 2018, as part of Project Ireland 2040, the government published the first National Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy which set out a vision, common principles, strategic objectives, and an implementation framework to develop the bioeconomy across relevant sectors. It established a Bioeconomy Implementation Group (BIG), co-chaired by DECC and DAFM. The subsequent National Bioeconomy Action Plan 2023-2025 has a strong focus on bringing sustainable scientific practices, technologies, and biobased innovation into use on farms and by biobased industries in Ireland – including leveraging circularity principles.

The National Waste Management Plan for Circular Economy, published in March 2024, sets out the framework for the prevention and management of waste in Ireland from 2024 to 2030. The Plan outlines specific targets, policies, and actions to accelerate the transition toward a circular economy. It includes circular economy targets such as reuse, repair, and resource consumption.

Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 (2024)

The Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan for the period 2024-207 was published in Ireland on the 4th of April of 2024. It aims to enhance sustainable procurement practices within the public sector, leveraging its substantial purchasing power to drive environmental and circular objectives. This plan replaces the “Green Tenders” policy and aligns with broader national circular and climate strategies. Key components include setting sector-specific targets, implementing comprehensive monitoring and reporting mechanism, providing training and awareness program and fostering market engagement and innovation.

Sectoral Guides

Sectoral Guides are resources that provide information, guidance, and best practice examples in a particular industry or sector. Our Good Practice Sectoral Guides series aim to educate and highlight the best Circular Economy practices in a variety of sectors. They are essential reading for both industry and policy stakeholders who are invested in the progression of a Circular Economy in Ireland.
2023 Towards a Circular Economy of Water

This guide equips industry leaders with practical Circular Economy of Water (CEW) strategies, empowering them to drive sustainability and resource efficiency. Policymakers, gain insights and industry perspectives to accelerate CEW implementation through collaborative action.

2022 Circular Road and Rail Good Practice Sectoral Guide

We explore global innovations in circular road & rail, sparking inspiration for Ireland's future. Industry leaders, discover practical strategies to optimise resource use and minimise waste. Policymakers, gain insights into international circular economy success stories shaping the future of mobility.

2022 Circular ICT /EEE Good Practice Sectoral Guide

This guide empowers you to navigate the circular ICT & EEE shift and to discover best practices, funding opportunities, and educational resources to fuel your transition. We identify key barriers and learn from Irish companies leading the way. Policymakers will find insights to design supportive regulations and incentives.

2022 Circular Aviation Good Practice Sectoral Guide

This guide showcases global innovations that are transforming the aviation industry towards circularity. Irish stakeholders will discover how to adopt these circular practices to optimise resource use and reduce waste. Policymakers will gain insights into international policies that are driving positive change in aviation sustainability.

2022 Circular Maritime & Shipping Good Practice Sectoral Guide

Discover global innovations transforming the Irish shipping industry towards circularity. Explore practical strategies to optimise resource use and reduce waste. For broader industries relying on Ireland's sea links, learn more about the potential to minimize your Scope 3 emissions.

2021 Circular Food & Drinks Good Practice Sectoral Guide

We explore cutting-edge innovations revolutionising the food & drinks industry. Discover Irish and global best practices to minimise waste, optimise resources, and embrace circularity. Unleash new opportunities for your business while protecting our planet.

2021 Circular Construction & Built Environment Good Practice Sectoral Guide

We explore innovative solutions transforming construction globally, from recycled materials to modular design. Irish stakeholders, discover practical ways to optimise resources and minimise waste in your projects.

2021 Circular Fashion & Textiles Good Practice Sectoral Guide

Explore innovative solutions reshaping fashion globally, from recycled materials to upcycling trends. Irish stakeholders, unlock opportunities to close the loop and minimise textile waste.

2021 Circular Agriculture & Biobased Industries Sectoral Good Practice Guide

Discover global pioneers driving the circular shift in agriculture and biobased industries. Irish stakeholders, unleash your potential to reduce waste, optimise resources, and unlock new business models. Embrace a more sustainable future for Ireland's agricultural & biobased landscape.

Thematic Working Groups

Each year CIRUCLÉIRE designs and deliver Thematic Working Group interactive sessions based on topics chosen by our network participants to support their transition to the circular economy.

The aim of Thematic Working Groups is to:

  • Demystify the circular economy, raising awareness of relevant policy and industry best practices to equip businesses to make informed decisions

  • Unlock the opportunities and barriers to scaling up circular innovation in Ireland

  • Co-develop actionable outputs and recommendations to support the transition of Irish Industry towards circularity

  • Foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking amongst the CIRCULÉIRE network and key stakeholders in Ireland’s circular economy ecosystem

  • Share a pipeline of circular opportunities to inspire circular innovation in Irish industry

Our Thematic Working Groups are delivered by the CIRCULÉIRE team within Irish Manufacturing Research, in collaboration with select expert facilitators or guest speakers. A multi-sectoral panel including industry representatives, policy makers, regulators, and academics are guided through a collaborative peer learning and knowledge-sharing process to obtain a detailed understanding of the selected topic.​

Circular Economy, Product Lifecycle Thinking & Sustainable Product Regulation

Designing products and services with a circular economy mindset, considering the entire lifecycle of products from design to disposal, and creating value through sustainable and innovative business practices.



Aisling McCarthy

Dept Enterprise, Trade, and Employment

Vojtech Vosecky

Circle Economy

Digitalisation & Digital Product Passport

Using latest digital technologies to optimise the use of resources, reduce waste, and increase efficiency in the supply chain. Importance of data-driven decision-making and how digitisation can support transparency and traceability in the supply chain, as well as ensuring your business is ready to adapt to future EU regulatory changes such as Digital Product Passports.

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Amba Concheso


Dr Rembrant Kopplaar


Measuring Circularity

Exploring the main measurement approaches and tools for measuring circularity, such as life cycle assessment, material flow analysis, and circularity indicators. Outlining the process of measuring progress in the circular economy, and whether and how impact is highly dependent on the goals, reach, and target audiences of circular economy practitioners.

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Shane Colgan


Dr John Gallagher


Case Studies

Our collection of case studies present inspirational examples of how our members in Ireland, and businesses from all over the world, are leading the charge in transforming our economy to one that minimises environmental damage while maximising economic value.  

Our case studies cover some of the actions taken by organisations who are only beginning their journey to circularity, right the way up to global leaders well advanced on the path. Wherever you are on your own journey, there is inspiration here for everyone.  

Knowledge Library

CIRCULÉIRE's open-access knowledge library is the central hosting spot for a wide range of circular economy resources, including: 

  • Case Studies 

  • Best Practice Guides 

  • Key Design Guides 

  • Circular Economy Policy Documents 

  • National & EU Circular Economy Action Plans and Strategies  

  • And much more… 

Whether you are a captain of industry, an entrepreneur with a great idea, or a policy maker signposting the way, there is something useful here for you.  

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